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Adds Thermal Shutdown to ANY spring
return pneumatic actuator!
• Vents actuator to failsafe
• Closes air supply line
• Easy to test and reset
• No contact with process media
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NV Series Replaces obsolete belt-driven valve actuators with gear-style design actuator at less than 10% of the cost of OEM’s replacement option Much of our electricity is generated by gas turbines, internal combustion (IC) engines that produce power by burning air-fuel mixtures that throw off hot gases which in turn spin the turbines. The Combined…
An OEM wanted a compact valve assembly to reduce the space and weight requirements for his machine. The OEM had two automated full port ball valve packages handling two different fluids and asked Assured Automation for space saving valve assembly options. Assured Automation suggested a single spring return pneumatic actuator to operate both valves at…
Problem: A major automobile manufacturer needed to run compressed air lines to a number of different machines but had no space available for valves to be mounted at the machine location. They wanted to automatically turn on different compressed air legs from an existing PLC controlled solenoid panel. In the event of power or air…
We frequently are asked to provide oxygen cleaning service to our valves such as the Assured Automation 26 Series Stainless Steel Ball Valves. Companies who build medical devices or work with compressed gas, in aerospace and defense need to comply with industry standards regarding oxygen safety and may require certified oxygen cleaned valves. When our…
Equipment used for industrial filtration and separation must provide positive shutoff on applications dealing with dirty fluids and high cycles. For reliable performance, flexibility, availability and endurance, manufacturers require valves which can deliver a high life cycle with minimal space requirements. To meet these stringent requirements, leading manufacturers rely on Assured Automation’s compact automated valves, angle…
Featured Application: HP Series High Performance Butterfly Valve Major Food and Beverage Manufacturing Plant uses Assured Automation’s HP Series Butterfly Valves to Upgrade HVAC system Problem: A major food and beverage manufacturing plant was seeking to improve the service life and sealing capabilities of the butterfly valves on their HVAC system. They were using a…
Below is our 36C Triclamp full port ball valve with E Series pneumatic actuator. The 3-Piece Stainless Steel Ball Valve features a 180 grit interior finish and ISO direct mount pattern for compact automation. The limit switch on this unit is a Westlock Devicenet unit with Falcon low power solenoid. This valve package is suitable…
Firesafe Automated Ball Valve-150F/300F Series Problem: A refinery wanted to reduce costs during a recent project that proposed upgrading manual valves to automated ball valves. The specifications required an API 607 firesafe automated ball valve, spring return pneumatic actuator, explosion proof limit switch and explosion proof solenoid. Solution: Assured Automation proposed using the API 607…
Check out our custom automated 3-Way Full Port Flanged Diverting Ball Valves with Pneumatic Double Acting Actuator, Limit Switches and Solenoid Valve, for paint manufacturer.
Check Out Assured Automation’s Custom PVC Plastic Butterfly Valves mounted in a tee assembly with electric actuator used for diverting water into overflow tanks. Visit the FE Series PVC Butterfly Valves Product Page Configure & Purchase FE Series PVC Butterfly Valves Online
A biodiesel company needed confirmation that a manual valve was in the correct position before beginning a reactor process. They required a specialty valve with a flanged connection on one side of the valve and triclamp on the other. The Assured Automation 36X Series Stainless Steel 3-Piece Ball Valve offered the perfect solution. This 36…
A Flavors & Fragrance company needed confirmation that a manual valve was in the correct position before starting a batch filling operation. They required the valve to have no cavities where material could become trapped. The Assured Automation BET Series Butterfly Valve offered the perfect solution. The custom manual valve is a 316SS sanitary butterfly valve,…