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We Make Valve Automation Easy

Wellhead Compressor Valve Reduces Methane Emissions

Many modulating valves in the gas industry utilize pipeline gas media for actuating valves which often causes problems with greenhouse emissions. CFR40 Part60 subpart 0000 limits the bleed rate for these modulating valves utilizing the media for actuation.


An OEM of gas lift compressors was in search of an all electric valve that could eliminate the pneumatic bleed of gases.

LDAR inspections and possible fines for violation of  ISO 15848-1 pushed this OEM to look for an all electric option that would eliminate the gas bleed.


Wellhead compressor valve

A product specialist at Assured Automation proposed the V Port 36 Series full port socket weld ball valve along with the B7 Series explosionproof modulating electric actuator.

Both valve and actuator met the hazardous area requirements and provided the durability the customer required.

The units proved a success for the end user which has improved on their well uptime and barrel per day output. They have expanded this system to all their wells and their gas lift system has proven to be a profitable investment for end users.

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