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We Make Valve Automation Easy

Newly Released Automated Valves eBook by Industry Expert Günter Öxler

Automated Valves: Optimization of Process Control and Profits Now Available Online

Automated Valves: Optimization of Process Control and Profits

The eBook is a compilation of educational articles written by the world renowned process engineering expert, Günter Öxler on automated valves.

Companies across the process, resource, and public utility industries appreciate the financial, operational, and even environmental benefits of automated valves. In order to stay competitive in the global marketplace, these companies know they need to modernize and automate their production processes to increase operating efficiencies. By transitioning from manual to automated valve systems, these companies experience the immediate and long-lasting impact that automated valves have on the ease of use, reliability, speed, and cost- effectiveness of their flow processes.

“Our eBook, Automated Valves: Optimization of Process Control and Profits, provides useful guidance for engineers who are designing for efficiency and cost-containment,” observes Bill Farrell, president of Assured Automation. “We have supplied engineers with valve automation, including electric, mechanical and pneumatic actuation, analog and digital positioners, switches and controllers, as described in Öxler’s educational materials,” he adds. “Our Valve Automation Center provides unique custom solutions meeting the most stringent requirements for high performance and cost-effective valving solutions.”

Topics covered in the eBook include:

Günter Öxler has a long history within the valve industry. He graduated in Process Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in Stuttgart, Germany, holds a MBA degree in VWA as well as a Controlling degree and is a REFA Specialist. For more than 25 years, Günter Öxler has worked for several companies in the valve business, companies such as J.M.Voith GmbH (Hydropower and Paper Machinery), Erhard GmbH (R+D Process Valves and project engineering), and Festo AG & Co. KG (Project Manager and Project Engineer Process Automation). He is also member of the IWA, ISA, and VDI German Engineer.

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