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Project Showcase : ST Series resilient seat pneumatic actuated butterfly valve ideally suited for water treatment applications. Application: A leading equipment manufacturer required resilient seat pneumatic actuated butterfly valve for a horizontal pressure filter system. Customer Type Manufacturer of Water Treatment Equipment Application Horizontal Pressure Filters Valve Series ST Series Lug Style Resilient Seated Butterfly…
Valve Actuators: Selecting Electric vs Pneumatic It is easy to get lost in the weeds when choosing between electric and pneumatic actuators for quarter turn valves. Brian Booth, Assured Automation’s Vice President of Sales and Product Manager for thermal and remote shutoffs, recommends using the simple decision tree below when choosing which actuator is best for…
Actuated Valves vs. Automated Valves We often get the question,”What is the difference between an actuated valve and an automated valve?” Other than semantics they are the same. An actuated or automated valve is a valve that is mechanically operated by a hydraulic, electric or pneumatic actuator. Wikipedia has a good article on valve actuators…
Resilient Seated Butterfly valves and High Performance butterfly valves keep the snow falling. When Mother Nature fails to deliver the snow necessary for skiing and snowboarding, it’s up to snow-making machines to deliver the stuff that keeps the outdoor sports enthusiasts coming to the slopes. This machine-made snow allows recreation areas an earlier start and a…
When deciding to actuate a valve, whether for precision process control, inaccessibility to remote areas, for emergency fail-safe requirements or because of excessive valve operating torque, it is important to choose the proper actuator for the specific application. Valve Actuator Selection Valve actuation can be linear, part-turn or multi-turn and can be powered by a…
Equipment used for industrial filtration and separation must provide positive shutoff on applications dealing with dirty fluids and high cycles. For reliable performance, flexibility, availability and endurance, manufacturers require valves which can deliver a high life cycle with minimal space requirements. To meet these stringent requirements, leading manufacturers rely on Assured Automation’s compact automated valves, angle…
Featured Application: HP Series High Performance Butterfly Valve Major Food and Beverage Manufacturing Plant uses Assured Automation’s HP Series Butterfly Valves to Upgrade HVAC system Problem: A major food and beverage manufacturing plant was seeking to improve the service life and sealing capabilities of the butterfly valves on their HVAC system. They were using a…
Automated Valves: Optimization of Process Control and Profits Now Available Online The eBook is a compilation of educational articles written by the world renowned process engineering expert, Günter Öxler on automated valves. Companies across the process, resource, and public utility industries appreciate the financial, operational, and even environmental benefits of automated valves. In order to stay competitive…
Check Out Assured Automation’s Custom PVC Plastic Butterfly Valves mounted in a tee assembly with electric actuator used for diverting water into overflow tanks. Visit the FE Series PVC Butterfly Valves Product Page Configure & Purchase FE Series PVC Butterfly Valves Online
A chemical company in Singapore needed 44 butterfly valves to ship in under a week to open their plant on time. Assured Automation’s fast delivery shipped the assembled automated butterfly valves within 6 days after receiving the order.
Check out Assured Automation’s Custom Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe Actuator for High Performance Butterfly Valves. These Actuators are for use in a refinery. Visit the HP Series High Performance Butterfly Valves Product Page Configure & Purchase HP Series High Performance Butterfly Valves Online
PSA Nitrogen Skid Utilizes HP Series High Performance Butterfly Valves High Performance Butterfly Valve The HPW/HPL is a high performance soft seated, metal seated, fire safe butterfly valve. Body material is either Carbon steel or 316 Stainless Steel. Connections are either wafer style (HPW) or lug style (HPL) and are either 150 or 300 lb.…