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Assured Automation Bids Goodbye to Old Friends and Welcomes New

2014 is proving to be a year of change for Assured Automation.  Long time employees Joyce Allan and Jack Siedler recently retired in March while Kelly Cullen, Peter Lim and Dan Roszkowski have been newly hired and Walter Nieradka promoted.

Newly Retired Joyce Allan
New Retiree- Joyce Allan

Joyce Allan has worked at Assured Automation for the past 24 years.  She started out in accounts receivable, moved onto accounts payable and finally became the office manager.  Joyce’s attention to detail in both her work and fashion sense will be greatly missed!

Jack Seiler
Retired Again!-Jack Siedler

After retiring from the valve manufacturer, Xomox, Jack decided that retirement didn’t agree with him.  He placed a phone call to Bill Farrell, president of Assured Automation in 2000 saying “Bill, your company needs me. “

He worked as an inside salesman for 14 years, specializing in military projects where his expertise has proved invaluable. Hopefully retirement agrees with him this time around.

Joyce and Jack will be retired but not forgotten as we will be seeing their smiling faces around the office as they have agreed to come back to assist in a few projects.

Inside Sales: Kelly Cullen, Walter Nieradka,Peter Lim and Vinnie Collier
Inside Sales: Kelly Cullen, Walter Nieradka,Peter Lim and Vinnie Collier

We’d like to welcome Kelly Cullen and Peter Lim who’ve been recently hired as inside sales specialists where they will be responsible for handling customer inquiries.

Walter Nieradka has moved from a production/assembler position to inside sales where his responsibilities will include handling calls, quotes and CAD drawings.

“With the addition of the new inside sales staff we’ve already seen a dramatic increase in the number and speed at which quotations are being completed. Keep up the good work! ”~Mike O’Neill

New Hire- Dan Roszkowski
New Hire- Dan Roszkowski


Finally, we’d like to welcome Dan Roszkowski who has been hired in the production/assembler department.

Assured Automation would like to extend our best wishes to all!




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