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Quick Deliveries of High Quality Valves and Flow Meters
We Make Valve Automation Easy
We Make Valve Automation Easy

Assured Automation to Exhibit at the CBC 2024

Las Vegas, NV | April 21-24, 2024

Booth 1489 CBC

The Craft Brewers Conference (CBC)  is America’s largest craft brewing industry show serving both brewpubs and packaging breweries. The Craft Brewers Conference and BrewExpo America® is presented by the Brewers Association, a recognized leader in the national and international brewing arena.

Brewers of all sizes have come to rely on Assured Automation

Brewers of all sizes have come to rely on Assured Automation for our quality products, expert service, and the ease of using our interactive online Valve Configurator to quickly specify valve assemblies.  Our automated valve assemblies, water meters and automatic batch controllers have been used throughout the craft beer brewing process since 1983.

Valves for Brewing Applications

Angle Valve

Popular with keg washer manufacturers our angle seat valve is a high cycle-life, pneumatically actuated piston valve for liquids, gases, and steam. The wetted parts are all stainless and Teflon. Over 5 million cycles achieved.

BFY Series Tri-Clamp Sanitary Butterfly Valves meet all 3-A, FDA & USDA standards.  Opposing body bolt design prevents the loosening between body sections due to usage or vibrations. Bolting is flush with body surface preventing obstruction during actuation or when space is limited for installation.

Typically used on steam lines the 36 Series ball valve is constructed of 316 stainless steel. The superior stem seal design of this 3-piece ball valve provides increased cycle life making it the perfect choice for automated valve package designs. 

Perfect for water lines, the P2 Series offers some unique features over standard PVC valves. The patented dual block system locks the union ends, which prevents loosening due to vibration, a common problem with other PVC valves that often results in leakages.

Meters for Brewing Applications

flow meter beer brewing

Made in the USA the G2 Industrial grade flow meter offers durable, compact, high precision fluid measurement. The G2 easily installs in-line or at the end of a hose. The large easy-to-read display and compact lightweight design make it easy to handle. Available in NPT or triclamp ends.

MAG series, magnetic induction flow meters, measure flow rate and totals as well as temperature. The rugged meter body includes electronics, display, user interface, and output signal generation in one compact unit. In addition to being more compact, it is also less expensive than comparable meters and sensors.

The ABC Batch Controller is a simple controller that works with a meter and a valve or pump. You simply set the volume that you want in gallons and hit start. The valve will open or the pump will turn on and the meter will begin measuring the flow. Once the desired amount has been dispensed, the valve will close or the pump will turn off. 

Stop by Booth 1489 at the CBC 2024 in Las Vegas to speak with one of our Valve Specialists to learn how “We Make Valve Automation Easy!