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Soft Drink Bottling Facility Uses Kates Flow Rate Controller

Kates automatic flow control valve instrumental in maintaining constant flow rate in Beverage plant

Industry: Beverage (SIC code: 2080-1)

Kates automatic flow rate controller
Kates Flow Rate Controller

Treating water from a filtration system to be injected with CO2 to provide carbonation. It is then fed to a proportioner where syrup is added to produce the soft drink.

Where in the process:
Assured Automation suggested the Kates Flow control valve be used to maintain a constant flow rate of the carbonated water over cooling coils to ensure uniform cooling before it is blended with the syrup in the proportioner.

Testing Parameters:

Why is flow rate critical?
The treated water must be cooled from approximately 85°F to 45°F to achieve proper mixing and processing.

Main reason for choosing Kates:
The Kates unit offered precise flow control under varying pressure ranges which is critical in achieving uniform product cooling.

For more information on the Kates Flow Controller or Assured Automation‘s actuated valves and flowmeters please call one of our product specialists at 800-899-0553

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