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We Make Valve Automation Easy

Public Schools Use Assured Automation’s TM Series Flow Meters to Monitor Well Water Usage

The users needed an accurate way to measure total volume of well water used. The four-inch line size limited the number of meters available. The maintenance dept. needed a meter that was easy to install and easy to maintain in the future. An accurate, easy-to-read and cost effective meter was required to solve the problem.

Assured Automation’s TM Series digital water meters fit perfectly in the line. The flange fittings made installation easy. This meter cost significantly less than comparable meters. The design of the internal parts makes the meter simple to clean with little down time. The five year battery life reduces maintenance time and the meter has non-volatile totals are not lost in case of power outage.

Advantages of Assured Automation’s TM Series Flow Meters

Assured Automation TM Flow Meters Monitor School System Water Usage
Assured Automation TM Flow Meters Monitor School System Water Usage

The Department of Natural Resources requires a permit for anyone using well water. To obtain a permit, you must report the total volume of water on an annual basis. The line from our pump to the storage tank measured four inches so some suppliers could not meet the spec. Finding a meter to fit this application had been too expensive until we found the GPI Meter. The other meters we looked at were also difficult to install.

TM Digital Plastic Water Meters

Visit the TM Digital Plastic Water Meters Product Page

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