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We Make Valve Automation Easy

Patented Filter Design Saves Cement Manufacturer Big Bucks

The valves of a well known cement manufacturer were failing after only a few months in service. Filtration failures were causing water corrosion and excess oil build up in the pneumatic air lines, which lead to valve failures. These filter units initially kept water out of the system but eventually the filter elements became saturated and water was allowed to enter into the pneumatic air lines which lead to line shut down and lost productivity.

Plant engineers called Assured Automation as they had successfully used their automated valves and flow meters on previous jobs. Assured Automation’s product specialist recommended that the Reading Eliminizer Combo filter model 3P-060-M04-DC with auto drains be installed to replace the failing units. This 1/2” unit prevents water and oil contamination, ensuring clean, dry compressed air and eliminating future valve failures.

Inverse Flow Technology:

Reading Eliminizer filter
Inverse Flow Technology

The Reading unit is constructed using a patented inverse flow technology that does not lead to saturation like many competitive units. A plastic sheath around the filter element forces air entering into the unit to swirl in a cyclone fashion (1) and enter the filter element from the bottom (2), which removes 99% of the moisture. This simple design guarantees the Reading unit will not allow moisture downstream.

The unit also features a differential indicator (GREEN for Clean, RED for clogged), as the filter element clogs with dirt the indicator slowly transitions from GREEN to RED. This allows maintenance teams to easily identify which units require filter element replacement.

This cement manufacturer has not had a valve failure since installing the Reading unit, saving them thousands of dollars a year.

How the Eliminizer Filter works:

Inverse Flow Technologycopy

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