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We Make Valve Automation Easy

067 Series Non-lubricated Plug Valves

ANANSI Flanged Style, Stainless Steel, Sleeved Plug Valves (1/2" to 4")

Fully Adjustable In-line Seal and Dual Stem Seal

Key Feature Details for the 067 Series Teflon Lined Plug Valves

1) Adjustment Bolts: in the top cover provide quick and easy adjustment. Adjust out in-line leakage between shutdowns. Adjust out potential stem leakage.

2) Stem Seal 1: The primary stem seal is around the circumference of the plug. Flow media is prevented from reaching the stem.

3) Stem Seal 2: The secondary backup seal system provides a wide comprehensive backup seal along the top edge of the plug and the stem.

4) 360° Lips: The lips surround the ports. The lips improve valve performance and extend service life by:

  • Preventing sleeve cold flow and deformation
  • Eliminating sleeve rotation
  • Breaking up and removing adhering, scaly deposits from the outer surface of the plug as it rotates

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