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Adds Thermal Shutdown to ANY spring
return pneumatic actuator!
•Vents actuator to failsafe
•Closes air supply line
•Easy to test and reset
•No contact with process media
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These dry contact reed switches are hermetically sealed and have a 5 foot cable lead. The cable has 2 wires for single pulse switches and 3 wires for double pulse. They all attach to the meter with a single screw, and positioning is fool-proof due to the shape of the switch. Switches for our multi-jet meters (WM, WM-NLC, WM-NLCH, WM-PC) have 2 positioning pins that insert into pre-drilled holes on the face of the meter to provide exact location. Switches for the WM-PD and D10 positive displacement meters insert into the meter body with a specially shaped piece that ensures proper positioning.