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We Make Valve Automation Easy
The Assured Automation MAG series are volumetric magnetic induction flow meters that measure flow rate and totals at rates up to 160 gpm, and also measure temperature. The rugged meter body includes electronics, display, user interface, and output signal generation in one compact unit. In addition to being more compact it is also less expensive than comparable meters and sensors.
Output Signals: Analog, binary, pulse and frequency outputs offer various options to process the measured data. The meter is designed for the brewing, HVAC, machine tool, solar, and water industries. It is used with conductive liquids [conductivity: ≥ EC 0.02 (12.8 ppm TDS, 20 µS/cm) / viscosity: < 0.1085 in²/s at 104 °F].
Temperature Measuring Range:
-4˚ to 190˚F (0.5˚ resolution, ±1% accuracy)
Flow Measuring Range:
up to 160 gpm
Flow Measuring Accuracy:
± 0.8 % MW + 0.5 % MEW
Flow Measuring Repeatability:
± 0.2 %
Protection Rating:
IP65, IP67
Maximum Pressure:
145 psi to 232 psi depending on model
+/- 0.8 MW + 0.5 MEW