function loadCAD() {; } function selectModel(pn) { var size = pn.substr(0, 1); var flow = pn.substr(4, 1); var actuator = pn.substr(6, 2); var actuatorSeries = pn.substr(6, 1); //----------------------------------- SELECT SIZE ---------------------------- if (size == "A") { document.codeform.size[0].checked=true; } if (size == "B") { document.codeform.size[1].checked=true; } if (size == "C") { document.codeform.size[2].checked=true; } if (size == "D") { document.codeform.size[3].checked=true; } if (size == "E") { document.codeform.size[4].checked=true; } if (size == "F") { document.codeform.size[5].checked=true; } if (size == "G") { document.codeform.size[6].checked=true; } if (size == "H") { document.codeform.size[7].checked=true; } // ---------------------------------- SELECT Flow Plan --------------------------- if (flow == "A") { document.codeform.flow[0].checked=true; } if (flow == "D") { document.codeform.flow[1].checked=true; } if (flow == "E") { document.codeform.flow[2].checked=true; } if (flow == "F") { document.codeform.flow[3].checked=true; } if (flow == "G") { document.codeform.flow[4].checked=true; } //----------------------------------- SELECT Actuator ---------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's pneumatic --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "P" || actuatorSeries == "C" || actuatorSeries == "F") { document.codeform.actuator[0].checked = 1; // -------------- select pneumatic selectActType('air'); if (actuatorSeries == "C") {selectAirSeries('Cseries');} if (actuatorSeries == "P") {selectAirSeries('Pseries');} if (actuatorSeries == "F") {selectAirSeries('Fseries');} var actType = pn.substr(8, 1); var actFail = pn.substr(9, 1); var actPSI = pn.substr(7, 1); if (actType == "S") { // ----------------------------------------- spring return document.getElementById('SR').checked=1; document.getElementById('doubleActing').className='selection'; document.getElementById('springReturn').className='selectionChecked'; var actuatorAcces = pn.substr(10); } if (actType == "D") { // ----------------------------------------- double acting document.getElementById('DA').checked=1; document.getElementById('springReturn').className='selection'; document.getElementById('doubleActing').className='selectionChecked'; var actuatorAcces = pn.substr(9); } if (actFail == "2") { // ------------------------------------------- fail OPEN document.getElementById('FO').checked=1; document.getElementById('failClosed').className='selection'; document.getElementById('failOpen').className='selectionChecked';} if (actFail == "1") { // ----------------------------------------- fail CLOSED document.getElementById('FC').checked=1; document.getElementById('failOpen').className='selection'; document.getElementById('failClosed').className='selectionChecked';} if (actPSI == "6") { // ------------------------------------------------ 60 PSI document.getElementById('60PSI').checked=1; document.getElementById('psi80').className='selection'; document.getElementById('psi60').className='selectionChecked';} if (actPSI == "8") { // ------------------------------------------------- 80 PSI document.getElementById('80PSI').checked=1; document.getElementById('psi60').className='selection'; document.getElementById('psi80').className='selectionChecked';} if (actuatorAcces != "") { // ------------ there are accessories actAccessType = actuatorAcces.substr(0,1); if (actuatorAcces == "P5" || actuatorAcces == "E5" || actuatorAcces == "E5XP" || actuatorAcces == "E5IS") { // ----------- Positioners if (actuatorAcces == "P5") { document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked = true; document.codeform.pos[0].checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "E5") { document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked = true; document.codeform.pos[1].checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "E5XP") { document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked = true; document.codeform.pos[2].checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "E5IS") { document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked = true; document.codeform.pos[3].checked = true; } } if(actAccessType == "C" || actAccessType == "E" && (actuatorAcces != "E5" && actuatorAcces != "E5XP" && actuatorAcces != "E5IS")) { // --------- SOLENOID solType = actuatorAcces.substr(0,1); solConn = actuatorAcces.substr(1,1); solVolt = actuatorAcces.substr(2,1); if (solType == "E") { document.codeform.sol_type[0].checked=true; } if (solType == "C") { document.codeform.sol_type[1].checked=true; } if (solConn == "3" || solConn == "4" || solConn == "5" || solConn == "6" || solConn == "1") { selectSolType('wpSol');document.codeform.solenoid[1].checked=1; if (solConn == "3") { document.codeform.sol_wp[0].checked=1;} if (solConn == "4") { document.codeform.sol_wp[1].checked=1;} if (solConn == "5") { document.codeform.sol_wp[2].checked=1;} if (solConn == "6") { document.codeform.sol_wp[3].checked=1;} if (solConn == "1") { document.codeform.sol_wp[4].checked=1;} } if (solConn == "2") { selectSolType('xpSol');document.codeform.solenoid[2].checked=1; document.codeform.sol_xp.checked=1; } if (solVolt == "A") { document.codeform.sol_volt[0].checked=1;} if (solVolt == "C") { document.codeform.sol_volt[1].checked=1;} if (solVolt == "E") { document.codeform.sol_volt[2].checked=1;} if (solVolt == "B") { document.codeform.sol_volt[3].checked=1;} if (solVolt == "F") { document.codeform.sol_volt[4].checked=1;} var actuatorAcces = actuatorAcces.substr(3); actAccessType = actuatorAcces.substr(0,1); } if(actAccessType == "N"){ document.codeform.NBcheck.checked = 1; } if(actAccessType == "Y" || actAccessType == "U") { // --------- LIMIT SWITCH if (actuatorAcces == "YF") { selectLimType('wpLim');document.codeform.limit[1].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_wp[0].checked=1; } if (actuatorAcces == "UA") { selectLimType('wpLim');document.codeform.limit[1].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_wp[1].checked=1; } if (actuatorAcces == "UB") { selectLimType('wpLim');document.codeform.limit[1].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_wp[2].checked=1; } if (actuatorAcces == "YO") { selectLimType('xpLim');document.codeform.limit[2].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_xp[0].checked=1; } if (actuatorAcces == "YH") { selectLimType('xpLim');document.codeform.limit[2].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_xp[1].checked=1; } if (actuatorAcces == "YE") { selectLimType('xpLim');document.codeform.limit[2].checked=1;document.codeform.lim_xp[2].checked=1; } } } } // ----------------- end of pneumatic actuators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's ELECTRIC --------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "V" || actuatorSeries == "R" || actuatorSeries == "S" || actuatorSeries == "K" || actuatorSeries == "B") { // ---- electric document.codeform.actuator[1].checked = 1; // -------------- select electric selectActType('elec'); // alert("actuatorSeries = "+actuatorSeries); // alert("pn = "+pn); // -------------------------------- set actuator code and actuator accesories code based on series (all are 3 characters except S4UV) ----------- if (actuatorSeries == "S") { var actuatorAcces = pn.substr(10); var actuator = pn.substr(6,4); } else { var actuatorAcces = pn.substr(9); var actuator = pn.substr(6,3); var actVolt = pn.substr(8,1); } // ------------------------------- V4 -------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "V") { selectElectSeries('V4'); if (actVolt == "A") { document.codeform.act_V4[0].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "B") { document.codeform.act_V4[1].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "F") { document.codeform.act_V4[2].checked=true; } if (actuatorAcces.substring(0,4) == "-2XS") { showHideAccess('V4xs'); document.codeform.V4xs.checked = true; var actuatorAcces = pn.substring(13); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C") { showHideAccess('V4mod'); document.codeform.V4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.V4posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O") { showHideAccess('V4mod'); document.codeform.V4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.V4posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C") { showHideAccess('V4mod'); document.codeform.V4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.V4posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O") { showHideAccess('V4mod'); document.codeform.V4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.V4posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked = true; } } // ----------------- END V4 ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------- R4 -------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "R") { selectElectSeries('R4'); if (actVolt == "A") { document.codeform.act_R4[0].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "B") { document.codeform.act_R4[1].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "F") { document.codeform.act_R4[2].checked=true; } if (actuatorAcces.substring(0,4) == "-2XS") { showHideAccess('R4xs'); document.codeform.R4xs.checked = true; } } // ----------------- END R4 ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------- S4UV -------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "S") { selectElectSeries('S4'); if (actuatorAcces == "-BSR1") { document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-BSR2") { document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O-BSR1") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C-BSR1") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O-BSR1") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C-BSR1") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O-BSR2") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C-BSR2") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[0].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O-BSR2") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C-BSR2") { document.codeform.S4mod.checked=true; document.codeform.posType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4mod'); document.codeform.S4bat.checked=true; document.codeform.batType[1].checked = 1; showHideAccess('S4bat'); } } // --------------- END of S4UV ----------------- // ------------------------------- K4 -------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "K") { selectElectSeries('K4'); if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C") { showHideAccess('K4mod'); document.codeform.K4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.K4posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O") { showHideAccess('K4mod'); document.codeform.K4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.K4posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C") { showHideAccess('K4mod'); document.codeform.K4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.K4posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O") { showHideAccess('K4mod'); document.codeform.K4mod.checked = true; document.codeform.K4posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked = true; } } // --------------- END of K4 ----------------- // ------------------------------- B7 -------------------------------------- if (actuatorSeries == "B") { selectElectSeries('B7'); if (actVolt == "A") { document.codeform.act_B7[0].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "B") { document.codeform.act_B7[1].checked=true; } if (actVolt == "F") { document.codeform.act_B7[2].checked=true; } if (actuatorAcces.substring(0,4) == "-2XS") { showHideAccess('B7xs'); document.codeform.B7xs.checked = true; var actuatorAcces = pn.substring(13); } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420C") { showHideAccess('B7mod'); document.codeform.B7mod.checked = true; document.codeform.B7posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP420O") { showHideAccess('B7mod'); document.codeform.B7mod.checked = true; document.codeform.B7posType[0].checked = true; document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked = true; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010C") { showHideAccess('B7mod'); document.codeform.B7mod.checked = true; document.codeform.B7posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked = false; } if (actuatorAcces == "-EP010O") { showHideAccess('B7mod'); document.codeform.B7mod.checked = true; document.codeform.B7posType[1].checked = true; document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked = true; } } // --------------- END of B7 ----------------- } // ------------------------------------------- END electric if (actuator == "M") { document.codeform.actuator[2].checked = 1; // -------------- select manual selectActType('man'); } changeCode(); } function changeCode() { // set vars that don't change and initialize others var con = ""; var sol = ""; var lim = ""; var pos = ""; var solVolt = ""; var solType = ""; var solCon = ""; var bodyMatDescrip = "Body Material: 316 Stainless Steel"; var sizeDescrip = ""; var sealDescrip = ""; var limDescrip = ""; var posDescrip = ""; var solConDescrip = ""; var solVoltDescrip = ""; var solTypeDescrip = ""; var solRatingDescrip = ""; var accessDescrip = ""; // ----------- actuator accesories on assembly var accessoryDescrip = ""; // ------- accesories that ship loose var actpic = ""; var solpic = ""; var limpic = ""; var pospic = ""; var failPos = ""; var accPrice = 0; var priceSum = "Pricing:"; var weightSum = "Weight:"; var limPrice = 0; var limWeight = 0; var solPrice = 0; var solWeight = 0; var posPrice = 0; var posWeight = 0; var feedPrice = 0; var feedWeight = 0; var feedDescrip = ""; var feed = ""; var price = 0; var accessPrice = 0; var accessoryPrice = 0; var assemblyWeight = 0; var accessWeight = 0; var accessoryWeight = 0; var B7mod = ""; var B7xs = ""; var V4mod = ""; var V4xs = ""; var modDescrip = ""; var R4xs = ""; var K4mod = ""; var S4mod = ""; var S4bat = ""; var S4din = ""; var s4kitName = ""; S4batLAB = 0; S4modLAB = 0; S4batPrice = 0; S4modPrice = 0; var CADurl=""; // //------------------ Row Locator Variables ----------------------- var PRJ="master_valve_1_asmtab.prj"; // var VPN=""; // var ACODE=""; var APN=""; // var AMOD="N"; //------------------ Other Variables ----------------------- var FLOWPLAN="N"; var FAILTO="N"; var SOLCONN="N"; // var VOLT="N"; var LSCODE="N"; // var EMOD="N"; // var EXSW="N"; var ABAT="N"; var step1summary = ""; var step2summary = ""; var step3summary = ""; var alertNote = ""; if (document.codeform.actuator[1].checked) { // ============================== get electric actuator that is selected so we can reset them all, then re-select if (document.getElementById('V4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "V4"; document.getElementById('V4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('R4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "R4"; document.getElementById('R4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('S4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "S4"; document.getElementById('S4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('K4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "K4"; document.getElementById('K4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('B7series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "B7"; document.getElementById('B7section').style.display=""; } } // ====================== reset classes of all selection divs and table cells to UN-selected state resetSizeDivs(); resetSolDivs(); resetLimDivs(); resetPosDivs(); resetFuncDivs(); document.getElementById('NBblock').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('wiringIcon').style.display="none"; document.getElementById('noSolSection').className='selection'; document.codeform.disableCAD.value="N"; document.codeform.sol_type[0].disabled=0; document.getElementById('sol_type1').style.color="#000000"; // ================= reset summary boxes ========================== document.getElementById('priceSummary').innerHTML = "Error!"; document.getElementById('weightSummary').innerHTML = "Error!"; // ================================================ SIZE ==================================================== if (document.codeform.size[0].checked) { document.getElementById('size1').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "A"; var sizeDescrip = "1/4 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[1].checked) { document.getElementById('size2').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "B"; var sizeDescrip = "3/8 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[2].checked) { document.getElementById('size3').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "C"; var sizeDescrip = "1/2 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[3].checked) { document.getElementById('size4').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "D"; var sizeDescrip = "3/4 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[4].checked) { document.getElementById('size5').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "E"; var sizeDescrip = "1 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[5].checked) { document.getElementById('size6').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "F"; var sizeDescrip = "1 1/4 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[6].checked) { document.getElementById('size7').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "G"; var sizeDescrip = "1 1/2 inch NPT"; } if (document.codeform.size[7].checked) { document.getElementById('size8').className="selectionChecked"; var siz = "H"; var sizeDescrip = "2 inch NPT"; } // ================================================= FLOW ============================================= document.getElementById('flow1').className="selection"; document.getElementById('flow2').className="selection"; document.getElementById('flow3').className="selection"; document.getElementById('flow4').className="selection"; document.getElementById('flow5').className="selection"; var port = "T"; if (document.codeform.flow[0].checked) { document.getElementById('flow1').className="selectionChecked"; var flo = "A"; var port = "L"; } if (document.codeform.flow[1].checked) { document.getElementById('flow2').className="selectionChecked"; var flo = "D"; } if (document.codeform.flow[2].checked) { document.getElementById('flow3').className="selectionChecked"; var flo = "E"; } if (document.codeform.flow[3].checked) { document.getElementById('flow4').className="selectionChecked"; var flo = "F"; } if (document.codeform.flow[4].checked) { document.getElementById('flow5').className="selectionChecked"; var flo = "G"; } var sizeDescrip = "Size and Connection: "+sizeDescrip; var sealDescrip = "Seats and Seal Material: RPTFE"; var portDescrip = "Port: Full-port ("+port+" shaped bore)"; var flowDescrip = "Flow Plan: "+flo+" "; var step1summary = bodyMatDescrip + "
" + sizeDescrip + "
" + sealDescrip + "
"+portDescrip +"
"+flowDescrip; document.getElementById('step1summary').innerHTML = step1summary; // ================================================= ACTUATORS ============================================= if (document.codeform.actuator[0].checked) { var CADact = 'pneumatic'; // ============================================= AIR ====================================================== // ========================================== Series ===================================== if (document.getElementById('Cseries').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "C"; var actSeriesDescrip = "Dual Rack-n-pinion" var actpic = "C"; // document.codeform.disableCAD.value="Y"; } if (document.getElementById('Pseries').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "P"; var actSeriesDescrip = "Dual Scotch yoke" document.getElementById('NBblock').style.display="block"; } if (document.getElementById('Fseries').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "F"; var actSeriesDescrip = "Dual Rack-n-pinion" } // ========================================== Style ===================================== if (document.getElementById('springReturn').className == "selectionChecked") { var actStyle = "SR"; var actFunc = "S"; var actFuncDescrip = "Spring return"; if (actSeries == "P") { var actpic = "P8S"; } if (actSeries == "F") { var actpic = "FSR"; } document.getElementById('SRfailPos').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('DAfailPos').style.display = "none"; // ========================================== Fail Position SR ===================================== if (document.getElementById('failClosed').className == "selectionChecked") { var actFailPos = "Pos. 1"; var actFail = "1"; var FAILTO = "1"; } if (document.getElementById('failOpen').className == "selectionChecked") { var actFailPos = "Pos. 2"; var actFail = "2"; var FAILTO = "2"; } } if (document.getElementById('doubleActing').className == "selectionChecked") { var actStyle = "DA"; var actFunc = "D"; var actFail = ""; var actFailPos = "in place"; var actFuncDescrip = "Double Acting"; if (actSeries == "P") { var actpic = "P8D"; } if (actSeries == "F") { var actpic = "FDA"; } document.getElementById('SRfailPos').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('DAfailPos').style.display = "block"; if (document.codeform.sol_type[0].checked) { document.codeform.sol_type[1].checked=1; } document.codeform.sol_type[0].disabled=1; document.getElementById('sol_type1').style.color="#CCCCCC"; } // ========================================== Air Pressure ===================================== if (document.getElementById('psi80').className == "selectionChecked") { var actPress = "80"; var actPSI = "8"; } if (document.getElementById('psi60').className == "selectionChecked") { var actPress = "60"; var actPSI = "6"; } var act = actSeries + actPSI + actFunc + actFail; var actn = actSeries + actStyle + actPSI; var actDescrip = actSeries + " Series " + actSeriesDescrip + ", " + actFuncDescrip + ", Fail " + actFailPos + ", " + actPress + " PSI"; // ======================================= ON / OFF ====================================== if (document.codeform.func_onOff[0].checked) { document.getElementById('onOffSelection').className = "selectionChecked"; // ===================================================== Solenoids ============================================================= // ===================================================== NO Solenoid =============================================== if (document.codeform.solenoid[0].checked && document.getElementById('NBblock').style.display == "block") { if (document.codeform.NBcheck.checked) { // alert('NB is Checked'); document.getElementById('noSolSection').className='selectionChecked'; var solType = "NB"; var solTypeDescrip = "No Solenoid - NPT port adapter "; } } // ===================================================== WeatherProof Solenoid =============================================== if (document.codeform.solenoid[1].checked) { var solRatingDescrip = "Weatherproof (NEMA 4/4x)"; if (document.codeform.sol_type[0].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_type1').className="selectionChecked"; var solType = "E"; var solTypeDescrip = "3-way/2-position, with "; } if (document.codeform.sol_type[1].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_type2').className="selectionChecked"; var solType = "C"; var solTypeDescrip = "4-way/2-position, with "; } if (document.codeform.sol_wp[0].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_wp1').className="selectionChecked"; var solCon = "3"; var solpic = "3"; var solConDescrip = "DIN cord grip cable gland (PG9) connector"; } if (document.codeform.sol_wp[1].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_wp2').className="selectionChecked"; var solCon = "4"; var solpic = "3"; var solConDescrip = "plastic DIN 1/2 inch conduit connector"; } if (document.codeform.sol_wp[2].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_wp3').className="selectionChecked"; var solCon = "5"; var solpic = "3"; var solConDescrip = "DIN cord set connector with 6 foot cable"; } if (document.codeform.sol_wp[3].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_wp4').className="selectionChecked"; var solCon = "6"; var solpic = "3"; var solConDescrip = "DIN cord set connector with 15 foot cable"; } if (document.codeform.sol_wp[4].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_wp5').className="selectionChecked"; var solCon = "1"; var solpic = "2"; var solConDescrip = "potted DIN 1/2 inch conduit connector"; } } // ===================================================== Explosion Proof Solenoid =============================================== if (document.codeform.solenoid[2].checked) { var solRatingDescrip = "Explosion Proof (UL & CSA Listed)"; if (document.codeform.sol_type[0].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_type1').className="selectionChecked"; var solType = "E"; var solTypeDescrip = "3-way/2-position, with "; } if (document.codeform.sol_type[1].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_type2').className="selectionChecked"; var solType = "C"; var solTypeDescrip = "4-way/2-position, with "; } var solCon = "2"; var solpic = "2"; //**************** no need to check - it's the only one var solDescrip = "Explosion Proof (UL and CSA listed), 4-way/2-position, with potted 1/2 inch conduit connector."; } if (solCon != "") { // ===================================================== Solenoid Voltage =============================================== if (document.codeform.sol_volt[0].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_volt1').className="selectionChecked"; var solVolt = "A"; var solVoltDescrip = "120VAC"; } if (document.codeform.sol_volt[1].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_volt2').className="selectionChecked"; var solVolt = "C"; var solVoltDescrip = "220VAC"; } if (document.codeform.sol_volt[2].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_volt3').className="selectionChecked"; var solVolt = "E"; var solVoltDescrip = "24VAC"; } if (document.codeform.sol_volt[3].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_volt4').className="selectionChecked"; var solVolt = "B"; var solVoltDescrip = "24VDC"; } if (document.codeform.sol_volt[4].checked) { document.getElementById('sol_volt5').className="selectionChecked"; var solVolt = "F"; var solVoltDescrip = "12VDC"; } var sol = solType + solCon + solVolt; var solDescrip = solRatingDescrip + " " + solTypeDescrip +" "+ solConDescrip+", "+ solVoltDescrip; } // ===================================================== Limit Switches ======================================================= if (document.codeform.limit[1].checked) { // ===================================================== WeatherProof Limit Switches ============================ if (document.codeform.lim_wp[0].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_wp1').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "YF"; var limpic="YF"; var limDescrip = "[YF] 2 SPDT mechanical switches; NEMA 4"; var limPrice = YF.price + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = YF.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + "("+lim+" + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + "("+lim+")"; } if (document.codeform.lim_wp[1].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_wp2').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "UA"; var limpic="UB"; var limDescrip = "[UA] 2 SPST proximity switches; NEMA 4; AC/DC power; 7/8" 5-pin quick disconnect with 2 meter cable"; var limPrice = IFIN0117.price + IFUV0002.price + IFE18042.price + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = IFIN0117.weight + IFUV0002.weight + IFE18042.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + " (IFIN0117 + IFUV0002 + IFE18042 + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + "(IFIN0117 + IFUV0002 + IFE18042)"; } if (document.codeform.lim_wp[2].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_wp3').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "UB"; var limpic="UB"; var limDescrip = "[UB] 2 SPST proximity switches; NEMA 4; DC power only; M12 4-pin quick disconnect with 2 meter cable"; var limPrice = IFIN5327.price + IFUV0002.price + IFEVC002.price + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = IFIN5327.weight + IFUV0002.weight + IFEVC002.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + " (IFIN5327 + IFUV0002 + IFEVC002 + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + "(IFIN5327 + IFUV0002 + IFEVC002)"; } } if (document.codeform.limit[2].checked) { // ===================================================== Explosion Proof Limit Switches ============================== // - - - - - - - - - DEFINE MOUNTING KIT BASED ON ACTUATOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - /////////////////// var actName = eval("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".ACT"); if (act.substring(0,1) == "C") { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C series var actSize = actName.substring(3); // ------------------ pull size digits out of actuator model number //alert(actSize); if (actName.substring(1,2) == "S") { // ------------------------------------------------ SPRING RETURN if (actSize == "52_12" || actSize == "63_12_F04" || actSize == "63_12" || actSize == "75_12" || actSize == "83_12" || actSize == "92_12" || actSize == "105_12" || actSize == "125_12" || actSize == "140_12") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "52_8" || actSize == "63_8_F04" || actSize == "75_8" || actSize == "83_8" || actSize == "92_8" || actSize == "105_8" || actSize == "125_8" || actSize == "140_8") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "160_12" || actSize == "190_12" || actSize == "210_12" || actSize == "240_12" || actSize == "270_12") { var MBname = "ST960110"; } if (actSize == "160_8" || actSize == "190_8" || actSize == "210_8" || actSize == "240_8" || actSize == "270_8") { var MBname = "ST960110"; } } if (actName.substring(1,2) == "D") { // ------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE ACTING if (actSize == "40" || actSize == "52" || actSize == "63" || actSize == "75" || actSize == "83" || actSize == "92" || actSize == "105" || actSize == "125" || actSize == "140") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "160" || actSize == "190" || actSize == "210" || actSize == "240" || actSize == "270") { var MBname = "ST960110"; } } } if (act.substring(0,1) == "P") { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P series var actSize = actName.substring(3,7); // ------------------ pull size digits out of actuator model number // alert(actSize); if (actName.substring(0,1) == "S") { // ------------------------------------------------ SPRING RETURN if (actSize == "0015" || actSize == "0030" || actSize == "0053" || actSize == "0060") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "0090" || actSize == "0120" || actSize == "0180" || actSize == "0240" || actSize == "0360" || actSize == "0480") { var MBname = "ST960110"; } if (actSize == "0720" || actSize == "0960" || actSize == "1440" || actSize == "1920") { var MBname = "ST960111"; } } if (actName.substring(0,1) == "D") { // ------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE ACTING if (actSize == "0015" || actSize == "0030" || actSize == "0045" || actSize == "0060" || actSize == "0106" || actSize == "0120") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "0180" || actSize == "0240" || actSize == "0360" || actSize == "0480") { var MBname = "ST960110"; } if (actSize == "0720" || actSize == "0960" || actSize == "1440" || actSize == "1920") { var MBname = "ST960111"; } } } if (act.substring(0,1) == "F") { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F series var actSize = actName.substring(5); // ------------------ pull size digits out of actuator model number // alert(actName.substring(3,4)); //alert(actName); if (actName.substring(3,4) == "S") { // ------------------------------------------------ SPRING RETURN var ASlength = actSize.length - 2; // --------------------- set length to trim spring from code var actSize = actSize.substring(0,ASlength); // ------------------ trim to just size if (actSize == "25" || actSize == "40" || actSize == "65" || actSize == "100" || actSize == "150" || actSize == "200" || actSize == "350") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "600") { var MBname = "ST960114"; } if (actSize == "950" || actSize == "1600") { var MBname = "ST960115"; } } if (actName.substring(3,4) == "D") { // ------------------------------------------------ DOUBLE ACTING if (actSize == "25" || actSize == "40" || actSize == "65" || actSize == "100" || actSize == "150" || actSize == "200" || actSize == "350") { var MBname = "ST960106"; } if (actSize == "600") { var MBname = "ST960114"; } if (actSize == "950" || actSize == "1600") { var MBname = "ST960115"; } } } // alert(MBname); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /////////////////// if (document.codeform.lim_xp[0].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_xp1').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "YO"; var limpic="YW4"; var limDescrip = "[YO] 2 solid state Normally Open proximity switches; Class I, Div II explosion proof; clear Lexan cover"; var limPrice = STQN35C02NRA.price + eval(MBname+".price") + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = STQN35C02NRA.weight + eval(MBname+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + " (STQN35C02NRA + "+MBname+" + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + " (STQN35C02NRA + "+MBname+")"; } if (document.codeform.lim_xp[1].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_xp2').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "YH"; var limpic="YW7"; var limDescrip = "[YH] 2 solid state Normally Open proximity switches; Class I, Div I & II; explosion proof; aluminum cover"; var limPrice = STQX35E02NRA.price + eval(MBname+".price") + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = STQX35E02NRA.weight + eval(MBname+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + " (STQX35E02NRA + "+MBname+" + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + " (STQX35E02NRA + "+MBname+")"; } if (document.codeform.lim_xp[2].checked) { document.getElementById('lim_xp3').className="selectionChecked"; var lim = "YE"; var limpic="YW7"; var limDescrip = "[YE] 2 SPDT mechanical gold contact micro switches; Class I, Div I & II; explosion proof; aluminum cover"; var limPrice = STQX2WE02NRA.price + eval(MBname+".price") + 0.5 * LABUNIT.price; var limWeight = STQX2WE02NRA.weight + eval(MBname+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limPrice + " (STQX2WE02NRA + "+MBname+" + 0.5 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Limit Switch: "+ limWeight + " (STQX2WE02NRA + "+MBname+")"; } } if ((document.codeform.limit[2].checked && document.codeform.solenoid[1].checked) || (document.codeform.limit[1].checked && document.codeform.solenoid[2].checked)) { // alert('oops'); var alertNote = "Warning: This assembly contains both explosion proof and non explosion proof electrical components; therefore the assembly is NOT EXPLOSION PROOF"; } } // ======== end of on/off // ================================================================== MODULATING ======================================== if (document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked) { var AMOD="Y"; document.getElementById('modSelection').className = "selectionChecked"; document.getElementById('onOff').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('modulating').style.display='block'; if (document.codeform.pos[0].checked) { document.getElementById('pos1').className = "selectionChecked"; document.getElementById('feed_1').className = "selection"; document.getElementById('feed_2').className = "selection"; document.getElementById('feed_3').className = "selection"; document.getElementById('feed_4').className = "selection"; document.getElementById('feed_5').className = "selection"; document.getElementById('feed_6').className = "selection"; var pos = "P5"; var pospic="POSP5"; var posDescrip = "[P5] Pneumatic Positioner (3-15 psi)"; var posPrice = P5.price + LABUNIT.price + EUMBHV803020.price; var posWeight = P5.weight + EUMBHV803020.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Positioner: "+ posPrice + " ("+pos+" + EUMBHV803020 + 1 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Positioner: "+ posWeight + " (P5)"; } if (document.codeform.pos[1].checked) { document.getElementById('pos2').className = "selectionChecked"; var pos = "E5"; var pospic="POSP5"; var posDescrip = "[E5] Electro-Pneumatic Positioner (4-20 mA) NEMA 4"; var posPrice = EP5N.price + LABUNIT.price + EUMBHV803020.price; var posWeight = EP5N.weight + EUMBHV803020.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Positioner: "+ posPrice + " (EP5N + EUMBHV803020 + 1 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Positioner: "+ posWeight + " (E5)"; document.getElementById('feed_2').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_3').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[1].checked || document.codeform.feed[2].checked) { document.codeform.feed[0].checked = 1; } document.getElementById('feed_5').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_6').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[4].checked || document.codeform.feed[5].checked) { document.codeform.feed[3].checked = 1; } } if (document.codeform.pos[2].checked) { document.getElementById('pos3').className = "selectionChecked"; var pos = "E5XP"; var pospic="POSP5"; var posDescrip = "[E5XP] Electro-Pneumatic Positioner (4-20 mA) Explosion Proof"; var posPrice = PMEP5EX_HPNU_23K01_PV9DA_4Z.price + LABUNIT.price + EUMBHV803020.price; var posWeight = PMEP5EX_HPNU_23K01_PV9DA_4Z.weight + EUMBHV803020.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Positioner: "+ posPrice + " (PMEP5XP-HPNU-23K01-PV9DA-4Z + EUMBHV803020 + 1 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Positioner: "+ posWeight + " (PMEP5XP-HPNU-23K01-PV9DA-4Z)"; document.getElementById('feed_1').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_3').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[0].checked || document.codeform.feed[2].checked) { document.codeform.feed[1].checked = 1; } document.getElementById('feed_4').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_6').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[3].checked || document.codeform.feed[5].checked) { document.codeform.feed[4].checked = 1; } } if (document.codeform.pos[3].checked) { document.getElementById('pos4').className = "selectionChecked"; var pos = "E5IS"; var pospic="POSP5"; var posDescrip = "[E5IS] Electro-Pneumatic Positioner (4-20 mA) Intrinsically Safe"; var posPrice = PMEP5IS_HPNU_23K01_PV9DA_4Z.price + LABUNIT.price + EUMBHV803020.price; var posWeight = PMEP5IS_HPNU_23K01_PV9DA_4Z.weight + EUMBHV803020.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
Positioner: "+ posPrice + " (PMEP5IS-HPNU-23K01-PV9DA-4Z + EUMBHV803020 + 1 LABUNIT)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Positioner: "+ posWeight + " (PMEP5IS-HPNU-23K01-PV9DA-4Z)"; document.getElementById('feed_4').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_5').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[3].checked || document.codeform.feed[4].checked) { document.codeform.feed[5].checked = 1; } document.getElementById('feed_1').className = "selectionDisabled"; document.getElementById('feed_2').className = "selectionDisabled"; if (document.codeform.feed[0].checked || document.codeform.feed[1].checked) { document.codeform.feed[2].checked = 1; } } if ([0].checked == 0) { var feedpic = "F5"; if (document.codeform.feed[0].checked) { var feed = "F5"; var feedDescrip = "2 SPDT mechanical switches; NEMA 4 weatherproof"; document.getElementById('feed_1').className = "selectionChecked"; } if (document.codeform.feed[1].checked) { var feed = "F5EX"; var feedDescrip = "2 SPDT mechanical switches; NEMA 7 explosion proof"; document.getElementById('feed_2').className = "selectionChecked"; } if (document.codeform.feed[2].checked) { var feed = "F5IS"; var feedDescrip = "2 SPDT mechanical switches; intrinsically safe"; document.getElementById('feed_3').className = "selectionChecked"; } if (document.codeform.feed[3].checked) { var feed = "F5420"; var feedDescrip = "4-20 mA output signal and 2 SPDT mechanical switches; NEMA 4 weatherproof"; document.getElementById('feed_4').className = "selectionChecked"; } if (document.codeform.feed[4].checked) { var feed = "F5EX420"; var feedDescrip = "4-20 mA output signal and 2 SPDT mechanical switches; NEMA 7 explosion proof"; document.getElementById('feed_5').className = "selectionChecked"; } if (document.codeform.feed[5].checked) { var feed = "F5IS420"; var feedDescrip = "4-20 mA output signal and 2 SPDT mechanical switches; intrinsically safe"; document.getElementById('feed_6').className = "selectionChecked"; } var priceSum = priceSum + "
Feedback: $ "+eval(feed+".price")+" ("+feed+")"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Feedback: "+eval(feed+".weight")+" ("+feed+")"; if (feed != "") { var feedPrice = eval(feed+".price"); var feedWeight = eval(feed+".weight"); } } } // ======== end of modulating } // ===================================================================================================================================================== // ========================================================================================= ELECTRIC ACTUATORS ======================================== // ===================================================================================================================================================== if (document.codeform.actuator[1].checked) { resetElecActDivs(); selectElectSeries(actSeries); var CADact = 'electric'; document.getElementById('wiringIcon').style.display=""; // ========================================== GET ELECTRIC Series ===================================== if (document.getElementById('V4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "V4"; document.getElementById('V4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('R4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "R4"; document.getElementById('R4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('S4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "S4"; document.getElementById('S4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('K4series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "K4"; document.getElementById('K4section').style.display=""; } if (document.getElementById('B7series').className == "selectionChecked") { var actSeries = "B7"; document.getElementById('B7section').style.display=""; } // =================== exceptions for certain sizes ================= if (siz == "E" || siz == "F" || siz == "G") { // --------------- change from V4 to R4 when selected and not available ---------------------- if (actSeries == "V4") { selectElectSeries('R4'); var actSeries = "R4"; document.getElementById('R4series').className = "selectionChecked" } document.getElementById('V4series').className = "selectionDisabled" document.getElementById('V4img').src = "/images/configurator/V4-faded.png"; } if (siz == "H") { // --------------- change from V4 or R4 to S4 when selected and not available ---------------------- if (actSeries == "V4" || actSeries == "R4") { selectElectSeries('S4'); var actSeries = "S4"; document.getElementById('S4series').className = "selectionChecked" } document.getElementById('V4series').className = "selectionDisabled" document.getElementById('V4img').src = "/images/configurator/V4-faded.png"; document.getElementById('R4series').className = "selectionDisabled" document.getElementById('R4img').src = "/images/configurator/R4-faded.png"; } //=============================================== V4 ============================================================= if (actSeries == "V4"){ if (document.codeform.act_V4[0].checked) { document.getElementById('act_V4A').className="selectionChecked"; var act="V4A"; var actn="V4A"; var actDescrip = "V4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 120VAC; Epoxy coated aluminum housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="V4"; var wiring = "External wiring leads through 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } if (document.codeform.act_V4[1].checked) { document.getElementById('act_V4B').className="selectionChecked"; var act="V4B"; var actn="V4B"; var actDescrip = "V4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 24VDC; Epoxy coated aluminum housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="V4"; var wiring = "External wiring leads through 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } if (document.codeform.act_V4[2].checked) { document.getElementById('act_V4F').className="selectionChecked"; var act="V4F"; var actn="V4F"; var actDescrip = "V4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 12VDC; Epoxy coated aluminum housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="V4"; var wiring = "External wiring leads through 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } } //=============================================== R4 ============================================================= if (actSeries == "R4"){ if (document.codeform.act_R4[0].checked) { document.getElementById('act_R4A').className="selectionChecked"; var act="R4A"; var actn="R4A"; var actDescrip = "R4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 120VAC; polycarbonate housing cover with Zinc alloy base;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="R4"; var wiring = " 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } if (document.codeform.act_R4[1].checked) { document.getElementById('act_R4B').className="selectionChecked"; var act="R4B"; var actn="R4B"; var actDescrip = "R4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 24VDC; polycarbonate housing cover with Zinc alloy base;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="R4"; var wiring = " 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } if (document.codeform.act_R4[2].checked) { document.getElementById('act_R4F').className="selectionChecked"; var act="R4F"; var actn="R4F"; var actDescrip = "R4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) 12VDC; polycarbonate housing cover with Zinc alloy base;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="R4"; var wiring = " 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; } } //=============================================== S4 ============================================================= if (actSeries == "S4"){ if (document.codeform.act_S4.checked) { document.getElementById('act_S4UV').className="selectionChecked"; var act="S4UV"; var actn="S4"; var actDescrip = "S4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4/4X) Universal Voltage (24 to 240VAC/DC); Anti-corrosive polyamide housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="S4H"; var wiring = " PG9 cord grip DIN connectors;"; } } //=============================================== K4 ============================================================= if (actSeries == "K4"){ if (document.codeform.act_K4.checked) { document.getElementById('act_K4A').className="selectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.K4mod.checked) { var act="K4A"; var actn="K4Amod"; var actDescrip = "K4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4) 120VAC; Aluminum alloy housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="K4A"; } else { var act="K4A"; var actn="K4A"; var actDescrip = "K4 series weatherproof (NEMA 4) 120VAC; Aluminum alloy housing;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="K4A"; } var wiring = " Internal wire terminals;"; } } //=============================================== B7 ============================================================= if (actSeries == "B7"){ if (document.codeform.act_B7[0].checked) { document.getElementById('act_B7A').className="selectionChecked"; var act="B7A"; var actn="B7A"; var actDescrip = "B7 series explosion Proof (NEMA 4,4X,7) 120VAC;"; actDescripB7 = "B7 series explosion Proof (NEMA 4,4X,7) 120VAC;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="B7A"; var wiring = " Internal wire terminals;"; } if (document.codeform.act_B7[1].checked) { document.getElementById('act_B7B').className="selectionChecked"; var act="B7B"; var actn="B7B"; var actDescrip = "B7 series explosion Proof (NEMA 4,4X,7) 24VDC;"; actDescripB7 = "B7 series explosion Proof (NEMA 4,4X,7) 24VDC;"; document.codeform.electActSeries.value="B7B"; var wiring = " Internal wire terminals;"; } } // ============================================= V4 Accessories ============================================== if (act == "V4A" || act == "V4B" || act == "V4F") { resetV4access(); document.getElementById('V4access').style.display = "block"; // ============================================================= Modulating (V4mod) =========== if (document.codeform.V4mod.checked) { var V4mod2 = "T1"; if (document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked) { document.getElementById('V4EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1)"; document.getElementById('V4EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1)"; } else { document.getElementById('V4EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2)"; document.getElementById('V4EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2)"; } var wiring = "Internal wiring terminal strip through 1/2 in. NPT conduit entry;"; document.getElementById('V4posType3').className="accessSection"; if (document.codeform.V4posType[0].checked) { document.getElementById('V4posType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked) { var V4mod = "-EP420O"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('V4posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var V4mod = "-EP420C"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; } } if (document.codeform.V4posType[1].checked) { document.getElementById('V4posType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.V4controlFailPos.checked) { var V4mod = "-EP010O"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('V4posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var V4mod = "-EP010C"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; } } var priceSum = priceSum + "
V4 Modulating Board: "+(V4T1.price)+" (added to actuator price already) (V4T1)"; var actDescrip = actDescrip + " " + modDescrip; } // ============================================================= 2 Extra Switches (V4xs) =========== if (document.codeform.V4xs.checked) { var V4xs="-2XS"; var V4xs2="C2"; var priceSum = priceSum + "
V4 Xtra Switches: "+(V2X.price)+" (added to actuator price already) (V2X)"; var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with 2 extra switches;"; } } else { document.getElementById('V4access').style.display = "none"; } // ============================================= R4 Accessories ============================================== if (act == "R4A" || act == "R4B" || act == "R4F") { // resetR4access(); // ------------------ noto needed... no selections other than top checkbox document.getElementById('R4access').style.display = "block"; if (document.codeform.R4xs.checked) { var R4xs="-2XS"; var actName = eval("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".ACT"); // var priceSum = priceSum + "
R4 Xtra Switches: "+eval(actName+"E.price")+" ("+actName+"E)"; var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with 2 extra SPDT limit switches"; } } else { document.getElementById('R4access').style.display = "none"; } // ============================================= K4 Accessories ============================================== if (act == "K4A") { resetK4access(); document.getElementById('K4access').style.display = "block"; // ============================================================= Modulating (K4mod) =========== if (document.codeform.K4mod.checked) { if (document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked) { document.getElementById('K4EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1)"; document.getElementById('K4EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1)"; } else { document.getElementById('K4EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2)"; document.getElementById('K4EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2)"; } if (document.codeform.K4posType[0].checked) { document.getElementById('K4posType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked) { var K4mod = "-EP420O"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('K4posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var K4mod = "-EP420C"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('K4posType3').className="accessSection"; } } if (document.codeform.K4posType[1].checked) { document.getElementById('K4posType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.K4controlFailPos.checked) { var K4mod = "-EP010O"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('K4posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var K4mod = "-EP010C"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('K4posType3').className="accessSection"; } } var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with "+modDescrip; } } // ============================================================================================= END K4 Access // ============================================= S4 Accessories ============================================== if (act == "S4UV") { resetS4access(); document.getElementById('S4access').style.display = "block"; // GET ACT MODEL var S4act = ("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".ACT"); if (document.codeform.S4mod.checked) { //============================== MODULATING POSITIONER if (document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked) { document.getElementById('EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1)"; document.getElementById('EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1)"; } else { document.getElementById('EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2)"; document.getElementById('EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2)"; } if (document.codeform.posType[0].checked) { document.getElementById('posType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked) { var S4mod = "-EP420O"; var S4modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var S4mod = "-EP420C"; var S4modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('posType3').className="accessSection"; } } if (document.codeform.posType[1].checked) { document.getElementById('posType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.controlFailPos.checked) { var S4mod = "-EP010O"; var S4modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var S4mod = "-EP010C"; var S4modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('posType3').className="accessSection"; } } var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with " + S4modDescrip; if (S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19") { // =========== LARGER ACTUATORS var S4modMC = "S4DPS219"; var S4modPrice = S4DPS219.price; var S4modWeight = S4DPS219.weight; } else { // =============================================================================================== SMALLER ACTUATORS var S4modMC = "S4DPS2019"; var S4modPrice = S4DPS2019.price; var S4modWeight = S4DPS2019.weight; } } if (document.codeform.S4bat.checked) { //============================== BATTERY FAILSAFE if (document.codeform.batType[0].checked) { document.getElementById('batType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; var S4bat = "-BSR1"; var failPos = "Position 1"; } if (document.codeform.batType[1].checked) { document.getElementById('batType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; var S4bat = "-BSR2"; var failPos = "Position 2"; } var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with battery failsafe (fail "+failPos+");"; if (S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19") { // =========== LARGER ACTUATORS var S4batMC = "S4BSR219"; var S4batPrice = S4BSR219.price; var S4batWeight = S4BSR219.weight; } else { // =============================================================================================== SMALLER ACTUATORS var S4batMC = "S4BSR2019"; var S4batPrice = S4BSR2019.price; var S4batWeight = S4BSR2019.weight; } } if (document.codeform.S4din.checked) { //============================================ ADDITIONAL DINs var S4kit = ""; if (S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S41200UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19" || S4act == "S42600UV19") { // ====================== LARGER ACTUATORS S4kit += "big"; if (document.codeform.dinType[0].checked) { S4kit += "npt"; document.getElementById('dinType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + "S4 actuator sizes 1200 - 2600 "; if (document.codeform.S4mod.checked) { // --------------------- MODULATING ONLY var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + " (with modulating board) "; S4kit += "mod"; } else { S4kit += "not"; } var S4din = "DIN CONDUIT KIT"; var accessoryDescrip = "Extra DIN conduit connector kit for "+accessoryDescrip; } if (document.codeform.dinType[1].checked) { S4kit += "cord"; document.getElementById('dinType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + "S4 actuator sizes 1200 - 2600 "; if (document.codeform.S4mod.checked) { // --------------------- MODULATING ONLY var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + " (with modulating board)"; S4kit += "mod"; } else { S4kit += "not"; } var S4din = "DIN CORD KIT"; var accessoryDescrip = "Extra DIN cord kit for "+ accessoryDescrip ; } } else { // ============================= SMALLER ACTUATORS S4kit += "small"; if (document.codeform.dinType[0].checked) { S4kit += "npt"; document.getElementById('dinType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + "S4 actuator sizes 0170 - 0750 "; if (document.codeform.S4mod.checked) { // --------------------- MODULATING ONLY var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + " (with modulating board) "; S4kit += "mod"; } else { S4kit += "not"; } var S4din = "DIN CONDUIT KIT"; var accessoryDescrip = "Extra DIN conduit connector kit for "+accessoryDescrip; } if (document.codeform.dinType[1].checked) { S4kit += "cord"; document.getElementById('dinType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; var S4din = "DIN CORD KIT"; var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + "S4 actuator sizes 0170 - 0750 "; if (document.codeform.S4mod.checked) { // --------------------- MODULATING ONLY var accessoryDescrip = accessoryDescrip + " (with modulating board) "; S4kit += "mod"; } else { S4kit += "not"; } var accessoryDescrip = "Extra DIN cord kit for " + accessoryDescrip; } } if(S4kit == "smallcordnot") { s4kitName = "S4CORDKIT1";} if(S4kit == "bigcordnot") { s4kitName = "S4CORDKIT2";} if(S4kit == "smallcordmod") { s4kitName = "S4CORDKIT3";} if(S4kit == "bigcordmod") { s4kitName = "S4CORDKIT4";} if(S4kit == "smallnptnot") { s4kitName = "S4NPTKIT5";} if(S4kit == "bignptnot") { s4kitName = "S4NPTKIT6";} if(S4kit == "smallnptmod") { s4kitName = "S4NPTKIT7";} if(S4kit == "bignptmod") { s4kitName = "S4NPTKIT8";} var accessoryPrice = eval(s4kitName+".price"); var accessoryWeight = eval(s4kitName+".weight"); } document.codeform.DINweight.value = accessoryWeight; document.codeform.DINprice.value = accessoryPrice; document.codeform.DINid.value = s4kitName; document.codeform.DINprodname.value = "electrical connectors"; document.codeform.DINprodseries.value = "Accessory"; document.codeform.DINinfo.value = accessoryDescrip; var accessoryDescrip = ""+s4kitName+": "+accessoryDescrip; } else { document.getElementById('S4access').style.display = "none"; } // ============================================================================================= END S4 Access var actpic = act.substring(0,2); } // ============================================= B7 Accessories ============================================== if (act == "B7A" || act == "B7B" || act == "B7F") { resetB7access(); document.getElementById('B7access').style.display = "block"; // ============================================================= Modulating (B7mod) =========== if (document.codeform.B7mod.checked) { if (document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked) { document.getElementById('B7EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1)"; document.getElementById('B7EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1)"; } else { document.getElementById('B7EP420H').innerHTML = "(4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2)"; document.getElementById('B7EP010H').innerHTML = "(0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2)"; } if (document.codeform.B7posType[0].checked) { document.getElementById('B7posType1').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked) { var B7mod = "-EP420O"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 2, 20 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('B7posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var B7mod = "-EP420C"; var modDescrip = "4-20mA modulating positioner (4 = Pos. 1, 20 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('B7posType3').className="accessSection"; } } if (document.codeform.B7posType[1].checked) { document.getElementById('B7posType2').className="accessSectionChecked"; if (document.codeform.B7controlFailPos.checked) { var B7mod = "-EP010O"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 2, 10 = Pos. 1, fail to Position 2 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('B7posType3').className="accessSectionChecked"; } else { var B7mod = "-EP010C"; var modDescrip = "0-10VDC modulating positioner (0 = Pos. 1, 10 = Pos. 2, fail to Position 1 on loss of signal [main power must still be present]);"; document.getElementById('B7posType3').className="accessSection"; } } if (act=="B7A") { var priceSum = priceSum + "
***B7 Modulating Board: "+(B7MODAC.price)+" (added to actuator price already) (B7MODAC)"; } if (act=="B7B") { var priceSum = priceSum + "
***B7 Modulating Board: "+(B7MODDC.price)+" (added to actuator price already) (B7MODDC)"; } var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with "+modDescrip; } // ============================================================= 2 Extra Switches (B7xs) =========== if (document.codeform.B7xs.checked) { var B7xs="-2XS"; var priceSum = priceSum + "
***B7 Xtra Switches: "+(B72XS.price)+" (added to actuator price already) (B72XS)"; var actDescrip = actDescrip + " with 2 extra switches;"; } } else { document.getElementById('B7access').style.display = "none"; } if (document.codeform.actuator[2].checked) { // ============================================== MANUAL ========================== if (document.codeform.actuator[2].checked) { var act = "M"; var actDescrip = "Manual lever (lockable)"; } var actpic = act; var actn="MAN"; var ACODE = "N"; var CADact = "manual"; } // ======================================================== SET step 2 summary ================================================== var actModelNo = eval("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".ACT"); var actModelNo2 = actModelNo; var actModelNo = actModelNo.replace(/_/g, "-"); //var actModelNo = actModelNo.replace(/$/g, "."); if (actn == "R4A" || actn == "R4B" || actn == "R4F") { if (document.codeform.R4xs.checked) { actModelNo = actModelNo + "E"; } } // =========== Check for NB BLOCK =================== if (solType == "NB") {var sol = "NB";} // ====================== set electric actuator description details var solDescrip = "NAMUR Solenoid: "+solDescrip; var limDescrip = "Limit Switch: "+limDescrip; var posDescrip = "Positioner: "+posDescrip; if (feedDescrip != "") { var posDescrip = posDescrip + " with " + feedDescrip; } // ======================================================== SET step 3 summary ================================================== /* var mountDescrip = "Valve to Actuator Mounting: Direct Mount"; if (document.codeform.BMK.checked) { var mountDescrip = "Valve to Actuator Mounting: Bracket Mount"; var con = "NRB"; } var step3summary = mountDescrip; document.getElementById('step3summary').innerHTML = step3summary; */ // =========================================================== SET MODEL CODE ============================================= var mc=siz+"33D"+flo+"X"+act+sol+lim+V4xs+V4mod+R4xs+K4mod+S4mod+S4bat+B7xs+B7mod+pos+feed; var blockPic = ""; if (document.codeform.solenoid[0].checked == 0 && document.codeform.func_onOff[0].checked == 1) {var solpic = solType+solpic;} if (document.codeform.actuator[0].checked == 1 && document.codeform.solenoid[0].checked == 1 && document.codeform.NBcheck.checked == 1 && act.substring(0,1) == "P") { var blockPic = "-B";} //======== ADJUST solpic for SR act with 4-way sol ----------------------- if (solpic == "C3") { if (actpic == "P8S" || actpic == "FSR") { var solpic = "E3"; } } if (solpic == "C2") { if (actpic == "P8S" || actpic == "FSR") { var solpic = "E2"; } } var pic = actpic+solpic+limpic+pospic+blockPic; document.getElementById('PN').innerHTML =mc;; document.getElementById('MClinks').innerHTML =mc; document.getElementById('mainIMG').src = "/33D/models/"+pic+".jpg"; document.codeform.imgsrc.value="/33D/models/"+pic+".jpg"; //----------- SET DIM PAGE =-=------------------------- // alert(act); if (act == "M") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 2; } if (act == "F8D" || act == "F6D") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 3;} if (act == "F8S1" || act == "F8S2" || act == "F6S1" || act == "F6S2") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 4; } if (act == "P8D" || act == "P6D") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 5; } if (act == "P8S1" || act == "P8S2" || act == "P6S1" || act == "P6S2") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 6; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "K4") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 7; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "R4") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 8; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "V4") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = 9; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "S4") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = "X"; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "B7") { document.codeform.dimPage.value = "X"; } // ------------- X gets the oops - please call page ------------ //----------- SET Wiring Diagram PAGE =-=------------------------- if (act.substring(0,2) == "K4") { document.codeform.wireDiagPage.value = "/literature/K4_datasheet.pdf#page=2"; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "R4") { document.codeform.wireDiagPage.value = "/literature/IM/AA_R_Manual.pdf"; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "V4") { document.codeform.wireDiagPage.value = "/literature/IM/V4_actuators_Install_Maint.pdf"; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "S4") { document.codeform.wireDiagPage.value = "/literature/S4_datasheet.pdf#page=3"; } if (act.substring(0,2) == "B7") { document.codeform.wireDiagPage.value = "/literature/B_datasheet.pdf#page=2"; } // =========================================================== SET PRICING ============================================= var qty = document.codeform.qty.value; // VALVE =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- var basePrice = eval(siz+"33D"+port+"XN.price"); var baseWeight = eval(siz+"33D"+port+"XN.weight"); // alert(basePrice); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Valve Price: "+basePrice+" ("+siz+"33D"+port+"XN"+")"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Valve: "+baseWeight+" ("+siz+"33D"+port+"XN"+")"; var VPN = siz+"33D"+"LXN"; // ACTUATOR =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- var actName = eval("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".ACT"); var APN = actName; if (APN=="") { var APN = "N"; } if (actName == "R300A" || actName == "R300B" || actName == "R300F" || actName == "R600A" || actName == "R600B" || actName == "R600F") { if (document.codeform.R4xs.checked) { actName = actName + "E"; } } // alert(actName); if (act != "M") { var actPrice = eval(actName+".price"); var actWeight = eval(actName+".weight"); if (V4mod != "") { var actPrice = actPrice + V4T1.price; } if (V4xs != "") { var actPrice = actPrice + V2X.price; } if (act == "S4UV") { if (document.codeform.S4bat.checked) { var priceSum = priceSum + "
S4 Battery Fail Safe: "+ S4batPrice + " + " + 0.5*LABUNIT.price + " ("+S4batMC+" + 1/2 LABUNITS)"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
S4 Battery Fail Safe: "+S4batWeight+" ("+S4batMC+")"; // var actPrice = actPrice + S4batPrice; var S4batLAB = 0.5*LABUNIT.price; var actWeight = actWeight + S4batWeight; } } if (B7mod != "") { if (act=="B7A") { var actPrice = actPrice + B7MODAC.price; } if (act=="B7B") { var actPrice = actPrice + B7MODDC.price; } } if (B7xs != "") { var actPrice = actPrice + B72XS.price; } var B7suffix = ""; // ============================ ALTER BETTIS Model Code for accessories ========================= if (B7xs != "" && B7mod == "" ) { // ======== 2XS ONLY ============== var B7suffix = "003"; var actDescrip = actDescripB7+" "+B7xs+" 2 extra switches; Speed " + eval("ELEC_"+actModelNo2+".speed")+" Sec 90deg; "+ eval("ELEC_"+actModelNo2+".duty") +"% duty cycle; "+wiring+" (model "+actName+")"; } if (B7suffix != "") { var actName = actName.substring(0, 18)+B7suffix; var actModelNo = actName.replace(/_/g, "-"); // alert(actName); var step2summary = actDescrip; document.getElementById('step2summary').innerHTML = actDescrip; } //====================================================================================== END ALTER BETTIS =========== if (document.codeform.actuator[1].checked) { // --------------------------------------------------------- if it's electric --------------------------------- var actDescrip = "Actuator: "+actDescrip+ " Speed " + eval("ELEC_"+actModelNo2+".speed")+" Sec 90deg; "+ eval("ELEC_"+actModelNo2+".duty") +"% duty cycle; "+wiring+" (model "+actModelNo+V4xs+V4mod+")"; } else { var actDescrip = "Actuator: "+actDescrip+" ("+actModelNo+")"; } } else { // ------------ IF MANUAL var actDescrip = "Actuator: "+actDescrip; var actPrice = 0; } var step2summary = actDescrip + "
(*actuator sized for applications up to 300 psi ΔP - call for higher pressures)"; if (document.codeform.actuator[2].checked) { var step2summary = actDescrip; } if (document.codeform.actuator[0].checked) { if (document.codeform.func_onOff[0].checked == true) { if (document.codeform.solenoid[0].checked == false) { step2summary += "
" + solDescrip; } if (document.codeform.limit[0].checked == false) { step2summary += "
" + limDescrip;} } if (document.codeform.func_onOff[1].checked == true) { step2summary += "
" + posDescrip; } } document.getElementById('step2summary').innerHTML = step2summary; if (act == "M") { var actWeight = 0;} var priceSum = priceSum + "
Actuator Price: "+actPrice+" ("+actName+")"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Actuator: "+actWeight+" ("+actName+")"; // SOLENOID =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- if (sol != "" && sol != "NB") { if (solCon == "1" || solCon == "2") { solPrice = eval(sol+".price"); solWeight = eval(sol+".weight"); solQty = eval(sol+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Solenoid Price: "+solPrice+" ("+sol+") [qty. "+solQty+"]"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Solenoid: "+solWeight+" ("+sol+")"; } else { solBase = solType + solVolt; if (solCon == "3") { var solConID = "VEP_1005_70_HC"; } if (solCon == "4") { var solConID = "VEP_1005_70_HCC"; } if (solCon == "5") { var solConID = "CA5J560_000_US0G"; } if (solCon == "6") { var solConID = "CA5J5F0_000_US0G"; } solPrice = eval(solBase+".price") + eval(solConID+".price"); solWeight = eval(solBase+".weight") + eval(solConID+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Solenoid Price: "+solPrice+" ("+solBase+", "+solConID+") [qty. "+eval(solBase+".qty")+", "+eval(solConID+".qty")+"]"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Solenoid: "+solWeight+" ("+solBase+", "+solConID+")"; } } // alert(sol); if (sol == "NB") { solPrice = KBNE0015_R.price; solWeight = KBNE0015_R.weight; var priceSum = priceSum + "
NPT Port Adapter: "+solPrice+" (KBNE0015_R) [qty. "+KBNE0015_R.qty+"]"; var weightSum = weightSum + "
NPT Port Adapter: "+solWeight+" (KBNE0015_R)"; var step2summary = step2summary +"
NPT Port Adapter: converts actuator air ports from G 1/8 ports to 1/4 NPT" ; } document.getElementById('step2summary').innerHTML = step2summary; // LIMIT SWITCH =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- // (taken care of above when determining Limit Switch) // Positioner =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- // (taken care of above when determining Limit Switch) // MOUNTING KIT =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- var mountString = eval("SIZE_"+siz+"."+actn+".MOUNT"); var mountArray = mountString.split(","); var mountPrice = 0; var mountWeight = 0; if (mountString != "" && mountString != "X") { for (i = 0; i < mountArray.length; i++) { var partPrice = eval(mountArray[i]+".price"); var partWeight = eval(mountArray[i]+".weight"); var priceSum = priceSum + "
Mounting Kit Part: "+partPrice+" ("+mountArray[i]+")"; var mountPrice = mountPrice + partPrice; var weightSum = weightSum + "
Mounting Kit Part: "+partWeight+" ("+mountArray[i]+")"; var mountWeight = mountWeight + partWeight; } } // LABOR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= if (siz == "A" || siz == "B" || siz == "C" || siz == "D" || siz == "E" || siz == "F" || siz == "G" || siz == "H") { var mountLab = 1; } if (siz == "J") { var mountLab = 1.5; } if (act == "M") { var mountLab = 0; } var priceSum = priceSum + "
Mounting Labor: "+(mountLab * LABUNIT.price)+" ("+mountLab+" LABUNITS)"; // ------------------------ ADD Electric Actuator Testing Labor ----------------------------------------- if (document.codeform.actuator[1].checked) { var priceSum = priceSum + "
Elec. Act. Testing Labor: "+(LABUNIT.price)+" (1 LABUNITS)"; var mountLab = mountLab + 1; } //alert(priceSum); var mountPrice= mountPrice + mountLab * LABUNIT.price; var fullPrice = Math.ceil(basePrice + actPrice + mountPrice + solPrice + limPrice + posPrice + feedPrice + S4batPrice + S4modPrice + S4modLAB + S4batLAB); var fullWeight = Math.ceil(baseWeight + actWeight + mountWeight + solWeight + limWeight + posWeight); document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = fullPrice; document.codeform.price.value=fullPrice; document.codeform.weight.value=fullWeight; document.getElementById('priceSummary').innerHTML = priceSum; document.getElementById('weightSummary').innerHTML = weightSum+"
TOTAL: "+fullWeight+" lbs."; var totalPrice = (fullPrice + accessoryPrice) * qty; document.getElementById('totalPrice').innerHTML = totalPrice; // =========================================================== SET DESCRIPTION ============================================= var fullSummary = step1summary + "
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